"Conversations with Jesus in the Gospel of John" Village Connect videos

Village Connect is a small group ministries video curriculum featuring Rev. Tom Are Jr., senior pastor at Village Presbyterian Church. In the series. Through the eight study sessions, you will read and study stories in the Gospel of John where Jesus engaged in conversations. From his own mother at a wedding, to a Pharisee to a Samaritan woman to Peter at a post-resurrection beach cookout, Jesus engaged in conversations that changed lives, healed, and called upon people to live faithful lives dedicated to God. The videos come with a leader study guide written by Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka.

Through the eight study sessions, you will read and study stories in the Gospel of John where Jesus engaged in conversations. From his own mother at a wedding, to a Pharisee to a Samaritan woman to Peter at a post-resurrection beach cookout, Jesus engaged in conversations that changed lives, healed, and called upon people to live faithful lives dedicated to God.

Each of these sessions follows the same pattern.
● A brief background to the scripture passage.
● Gathering activity to focus the group’s attention on the topic for the day and to get to know one another better.
● Opening prayer led by you or another leader or member of your group.
● Viewing the video segment featuring the Rev. Tom Are, Jr.
● Reading the scripture passage. A handout is provided.
● Discussing questions together.
● Closing with another activity.

The discussion questions follow Tom’s video exploration of the scripture passage. They are mostly open-ended with no right or wrong answers. This is intentional to help build the confidence of the group members in discussing and reflecting on the biblical text.